Boundaries Course
Boundaries are limits you set in place to ensure your mental, physical and emotional well-being. Boundaries determine what your relationship ground rules are, what you are responsible for and what other people are accountable for. Boundaries help create and maintain healthy relationships.
Boundaries is our most popular course and often fills within weeks. Why is it so popular? Because everyone has relationships and every relationship benefits from good boundaries.
The course is based on the best-selling book by Drs. Townsend and Cloud and uses a video book study and facilitated peer group discussion. It is offered both online and in-person.
Learn when to say yes, how to say no and take control of your life.
Facilitator: Various
Cost: Cost of book
Additional Resources:
- Read about what boundaries are and why they are important in this blog "Do You Have Boundary Problems?"
- Read about Alison's experience with implementing healthy boundaries here