Claudia Brown, Team SisterAct: It's So Rewarding

By Julie-Marie Innes, Communication Volunteer  |  January 20th

“It's amazing what a group of women can do when they're given a challenge,” says Carlisle resident Claudia Brown.

She and her team of 17 women call themselves SisterAct and they've proudly walked in the Coldest Night of the Year 5km walk in support of Eagles Nest for the past two years. Claudia is the Team Captain and emphasizes that the members of her group are like sisters to her and have helped her through difficult times, especially during the cancer journey of her late young son, Jonathan Brown.

"I wouldn't have gotten through Jonnie being sick without these women, they inspire me," she adds. “We wanted to do something to give back to the community in the same way that they gave to me. We just wanted to help.”

Together, they raised close to $8,000 last year for Eagles Nest.

Women helping women is one of their motivations, but they also recognized the importance of helping vulnerable people.

"Mental health is not selective and it can rear its ugly head just about anywhere and I'm always thinking about our young people," says the mother of three. "Most of us in SisterAct have children and we've all witnessed firsthand mental health and the challenge of teenage years and the lack of resources available."

This event has increased awareness for the mental health needs in the immediate area.  As Claudia says, "Eagles Nest is making services available right here. They're providing individual counselling, group therapies, they're reaching out.”

Perhaps one of Claudia's SisterAct members summed up the importance of getting involved best. Her friend, Stephani said, "Sometimes we need help and sometimes we are the helpers." 

"Gathering friends and making a difference," emphasizes Claudia. "It's so rewarding!"