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We love it when people share about their visit to our store!

We occasionally partner with local businesses and thrifters who support our store and want to share their experiences. Check out some videos below to see how they enjoyed their visit.

Are you interested in sharing your experience? Reach out by email - we would love to chat!

Visitor Experiences

Greenbrier Vintage

Greenbrier Vintage is a small business in Hamilton, Ontario that sells curated collections of vintage housewares and other items.

They partnered with Rescued & Restored and shared their thrifting experiences on their Instagram page.

Leiden Decor

Leiden Decor is a local Waterdown, Ontario business that refinishes and transforms furniture and décor, one piece at a time. 

They shared their partnership with Rescued & Restored on their Instagram page.

Reform Goods

Reform Goods is an entrepreneur who sells curated goods out of Hamilton, Ontario.

She partnered with Rescued & Restored and shared her shopping trip on her Instagram page.

My Bedroom Darling

Operating out of Millgrove, Ontario, My Bedroom Darling sells curated, restored and vintage décor pieces for the bedroom. 

Take a look at what she shared on her Instagram page about her visit to Rescued & Restored.


Silas Green Décor

Silas Green Décor visited Rescued & Restored and shared her experiences on her Instagram page.  

She is from Brantford, ON and loves vintage, boho and thrifted home décor items.

Montclair Vintage

Montclair Vintage upcycles vintage fabric and other items to create curated fashion items.

She shared her visit to Rescued & Restored on her Instagram page.